Meet the 2024/2025 Executive!
Chair, Returning - Brooke Kuyer
Vice Chair & Social Media - Aimee Meidema
Secretary - Jas Hondal
Treasurer - Phil Osler
Event Coordinator - Barbi Rollings
Fundraising Coordinator - Alicia Larsen
DPAC Rep - vacant
Email: sandyhillpac@gmail.com
Help us be relevant and intentional in the lives of the Sandy Hill students!! Your opinion counts!!!
The next PAC meeting is January 6th at 6:30pm in person in the school library. Save the date: February 10th @ 7pm online via Zoom, April 14th @ 6:30pm in person in the library, AGM - May 26th @ 6:30pm in the library.
Register for PAC Hot Lunch, Popcorn Days and Fundraisers at HotLunches.net
Looking to volunteer? Email sandyhillpac@gmail.com for current opportunities.