
Welcome to Kindergarten at Ecole Sandy Hill Elementary

January 25, 2021

Please bookmark our school website as it is updated frequently. Or install the Abby School App.

Please find below links and attachments with important information that you should review.

Government of BC Ready Set Learn - Kindergarten Readiness Information 

Reporting a Student Absence or Late – Safe Arrival School Messenger – Please register with the email address you provided on your registration form.

The Abbotsford School District utilizes an automated student attendance management system called SafeArrival, offered through SchoolMessenger®, the company that hosts our parent notification system. With SafeArrival, you can report your child’s absence in advance using 3 convenient methods.  If your child arrives late, please send them into the school to check in at the office. At this time parents are not permitted to accompany their child into the school.

Please register for School Cash Online.  School Fees such as agenda’s, field trips, concert tickets.

Consent Forms AP334-1 Google For Education – Consent Form

                                AP324-1 Photography/Video and Media Consent Form

                                AP 336-2 Request for Email Address Consent (CASL)

All parents are in the PAC and are encouraged to participate within their comfort level. Meetings are usually held once a month and all parents are welcome to attend. For more information, please visit the PAC webpage.