Congratulations to Division 1 Public Speaking Finalists!
Over the past couple of months, Division 1 students have been hard at work learning how to compose a formal speech and express themselves eloquently while speaking to others. They have been learning how to use eye contact, vary the pitch and volume of voice while speaking, and use gestures to help convey emotion and sentiment. They then took to the stage (okay.. just the front of the room).. to entertain, persuade, and enlighten us – the whole class did amazing!
After the results were in... the following students were presented by Mrs. Erickson, with a Sandy Hill Public Speaking Medal.
Congratulations to our 2022 Class Finalists:
First Place: Hannah
Second Place: Presley
Third Place: Logan
Fourth Place: Coleton
Runner Ups: (in no particular order) –
Well done everyone!