News Stories

Vaisakhi Dancing
April 17, 2023

Happy Vaisakhi!

On Friday staff and students at Sandy Hill celebrated their learning about Vaisakhi with bhangra dancing at recess and flying the kites they created after lunch. Many students gave their kites names and wrote messages of love and kindness that soared through the air! 


Vaisakhi Dancing
School Presentation
April 13, 2023

Vision of Turtle Island

Our entire school came together in the gym to watch artstarts Visions of Turtle Island presentation by Tribal Vision Dance. This was a multimedia presentation of songs and dances that one would experience if they attended a modern powwow. The dances and their evolution from their origins to the current form is discussed and students are invited to dance and sing along. 

School Presentation
Students in Ocean Wise Presentation
April 12, 2023

Ocean Wise Sea Dome

Students in Kindergarten through Grade 4 had the opportunity to participate in a travelling national climate education program by Ocean Wise. The Sea Dome experience was set up on our school gym and included three learning stations: Inflatable Sea Dome, Artic and Turtles & Reefs.

Students learned many facts about the Ocean and had the opportunity to feel polar bear fur, shark teeth, green sea turtle shells, seal fur, artic fox fur and a Narwhal tusk!

Students in Ocean Wise Presentation
Student Artwork Rainbow Umbrellas
March 31, 2023

Sandy Hill's Talented Student Artwork!

We have so many talented students at Sandy Hill Elementary! Their beautiful artwork fills the school, in the hallways and classrooms.

Student Artwork Rainbow Umbrellas
Illustration with voice boxes and graphics in them 2023 Strat Plan+Budget Banner
March 30, 2023

School District launches public consultation for 2023-24 Strategic Plan and Budget cycle

In accordance with the School Act, the Abbotsford Board of Education must approve a balanced budget by June 30th each year. The Abbotsford School District is currently preparing its budget for the 2023-24 school year and is inviting employees, families and community members to share their voice in the consultation process. 

Illustration with voice boxes and graphics in them 2023 Strat Plan+Budget Banner
March 27, 2023

Board Approves Local School Calendar for 2023-24

At the March 7th public board meeting, the Abbotsford Board of Education passed a motion to approve and formalize the school calendar for 2023-2024. The Abbotsford Board of Education is required to create a calendar that meets the legislated requirements of the School Act, and the Abbotsford Teachers Union (ATU) Collective Agreement.  

Student Excited about Making a Purchase
March 9, 2023

Learning About Financial Literacy

Division 11 has been learning about financial literacy in math!

Ms. Badial (Mrs. Roberts student teacher) set up a store in the classroom and students got to shop for real things to take home. What fun!

Student Excited about Making a Purchase
Sandy Hill Reading Link Challenge Team The Book Nerds
March 9, 2023

FVRL Reading Link Challenge!

The winners of the School Challenge participated in the Library Challenge at the Clearbrook Library yesterday. 13 School teams from Abbotsford were battling for the win. It was a nail bitter with tie breakers required but unfortunately Sandy Hill's "Book Nerds" were not the winning team. 

Thank you to all Reading Link Challenge participants! 

For more information on Reading Link Challenge please visit the Fraser Valley Regional Library website. 

Sandy Hill Reading Link Challenge Team The Book Nerds